Heather Honey, produced from the flowers of Erica arborea, is a honey with a bold character and a unique flavor, featuring notes reminiscent of anise.
This honey is prized not only for its intense taste but also for its numerous beneficial properties, making it a valuable ally for well-being.
Main properties and benefits:
- Rejuvenating effect: Ideal for restoring energy and vitality, especially during periods of fatigue.
- Anti-rheumatic properties: Helps alleviate joint and muscle pain.
- Nutrient-rich: Packed with essential vitamins and minerals for the body.
Organoleptic characteristics:
- Color: Amber to dark, with warm reflections evocative of earthy tones.
- Flavor: Intense and distinctive, with notes reminiscent of anise, perfect for those who appreciate bold flavors.
- Texture: Slowly crystallizes, forming a pleasantly granular structure on the palate.
Recommended uses:
- For breakfast: Perfect for starting the day with energy, spread on bread or toast.
- In hot drinks: Excellent for sweetening herbal teas, tea, or milk, enhancing natural flavors.
- As a natural supplement: Recommended on its own to support daily well-being.
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